Friday, June 30, 2006

Bare Bear

Whoa! Bare Bear doesn’t have any clothes on at all. Oh – wait – neither do I. Oops. Turn away. Stop looking at me. Close this web page now. RIGHT NOW! I MEAN IT! NOW!


Thursday, June 29, 2006

Bears, Bears, and More Bears.

It seems there is a bear on every other street corner in this city. I like it. I like it a lot. But then I’m a bear, so I suppose that shouldn’t be too surprising. The first thing you notice, after the obvious fact that there are bears wandering around the streets, is their clothing, which seem truly strange. My favourite is probably “psychedelic bear”, but “Harley bear” and “Darth bear” are equally unusual in their own way.

I always enjoy finding people – or bears - who have even less of a fashion sense than I do. There are many things I do rather well, but fashion is most certainly not one of them. So anything that makes me feel “fashion adequate” is something to treasure.

While it is unusual to find bears on city streets, it’s even more unusual to find people who are comfortable with bears on their streets. But that seems to be the case here, and it makes me feel very much at home. The only other place I’ve seen something similar is Berlin. One of the bears in Berlin was wearing a map of Berlin, and the map showed the bears on the streets of Berlin. I tried to see if I could find the bear wearing the map somewhere on the map, but it made my head hurt just thinking about it.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Nowhere To Go But Up

Tuesday. 7:32 PM. Vancouver. The significance of all this will become clear in time, but not just yet. For now, let’s just say that I’ve always wanted to start a story that way, and what better place to do it than an opening post to a newly created blog. No screaming fans to disappoint. No high expectations to dash. No face to save. And with an opening like that, there is nowhere to go but up. With expectations properly managed, let’s see if I can exceed them.
