Monday, July 10, 2006

Worth Considering

When I began my adventures, I didn’t want to let people see me. It isn’t that I was afraid of people. After all, I am a bear, so I can take care of myself. But I was shy, so I would usually ask my traveling companion to let me hide in his computer bag. If he left the zipper open just a little, I could peek out and watch the people, but they couldn’t see me. It seemed like the perfect arrangement. However, over time I found I was becoming less and less concerned about being seen, and on the last few trips I’ve started sitting out in plain view. I’ve been surprised at the reaction of my fellow travelers. After they recover from their initial shock at meeting a story-telling bear, they are very interested in my adventures. I’ve also been amazed to find they give me great ideas for how to tell more people about my adventures.

That is exactly what happened yesterday on my first train ride. (That is right – even though I’ve been on many plane trips, this was my first ever trip on a train.) I met a very nice woman who was interested in my adventures, and we had a lovely chat. As the train was coming into Montreal, she suddenly looked very thoughtful, and then asked if I had a Fan Club. I laughed when she asked, but later I began to think about it. I only have a small group of “fans” today, but I do have some. Hopefully I will have more in the future, so I suppose I have the most important thing you need for a Fan Club. But other than that, I don’t have any idea how you’d go about starting one. But I have to admit I quite like the idea of a Bernard Bear Fan Club! If anyone has any ideas on how to proceed, I’d love to hear from you.


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