Monday, September 24, 2007

Pirates of the Baltic

You probably aren't going to believe this. I hardly believe it myself, to be completely honest. But there I was in Latvia, minding my own business and enjoying the cold salty air. I suppose I should have seen it coming, with the salty air and all. To make matters worse, it was only two days before International Talk Like A Pirate day. But I was expecting people to - well - TALK like a Pirate, not to actually be one. So you can (almost) imagine my surprise when I was doing a bit of exploring near the harbor, and out jump a pair of Pirates. Before you could say Shiver me timbers, the air was filled with "aarrrrrrrr's" and "iiiiiiiii's" with a few "Avasts" and "maties" thrown in for good measure. My claws are pretty long and sharp, but not nearly as long or sharp as a Pirate's sword, so I knew it was time to set my pride aside, and throw myself on their mercy. I knew it was time to do that, but I decided to start telling them about my many adventures instead. Before long I had them captivated. I was almost ready to make my escape, when suddenly, without warning, they jumped up and ...

... kissed me. YUCK! Next time I'll take my chances with the swords.

I think I may have to protest - something, anything. But more about that later.



Anonymous said...

interesting article. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Anonymous said...

Good evening

Just wanted to show my appreciation for your time and hard work

Bernard Bear said...

My twitter account is bernard_bear_42

Anonymous said...

Hey - I am certainly delighted to discover this. Good job!

Anonymous said...

why not...