Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Batbear and Bluejay?

The taxi ride to the airport took us past still more Vancouver bears. If we hadn’t been running late, I would have insisted my traveling companion stop the taxi so I could introduce myself to Batbear. I’ve always been a huge fan, so the chance to meet him in person would have been fantastic. Unfortunately it was not to be, but it did start me thinking. Batman has Robin as a sidekick, but what about Batbear? And what would his sidekick be called? I suppose you could call his sidekick Robin as well, but that could lead to all sorts of confusion. Another name would be best, probably another bird. Some of my favorites, like Eagle or Hawk, really don’t sound right. They just aren’t “sidekicky” enough. On the other hand, Chickadee is way too cute, and Buzzard has the exact opposite image problem. But something like Bluejay might work. It kind of has a ring to it – Batbear and Bluejay save the day. Okay, the finish was a bit over the top, but the basic idea could work. Near as I can tell, the position is still open, and I’m thinking of applying. I’d have to take a break from my adventures, but it would be worth it. Next time I’m in Vancouver I’m going to find Batbear and see what he thinks. Wish me luck!


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