Monday, July 24, 2006


Summer vacation in Duncan’s room is pretty hard to take. I am, of course, joking. When I tire of Nintendo and computer games, I can always pick something to watch from his movie collection. And, if all else fails, there is the swimming pool. My traveling companion keeps saying that I really should spend more time outside – he keeps calling it “natural light”. As I’ve mentioned before, I think he needs to lighten up. But this weekend was different. Megan paid me a visit, and when she asked if I wanted to go for a swim, I immediately said yes. Megan was the one who showed me how to use goggles when I swim, and now I use them all the time. (See: The Birthday Party.) This time she said she would teach me how to dive into the pool from the diving board.

I’ve always loved watching the kids jump into the pool from the diving board, but whenever I’ve tried to do the same, it always looked too scary. That diving board may not look very tall to you, but to me it looks humongous. But Megan said that she could teach me how to do it. After showing me how to use goggles, Megan is now my hero for anything to do with water, so I said I would give it a try.

As always, she was right, and before long I was diving head first into the pool.

We had a great time, and I can hardly wait for her to visit again. Thank you Megan.


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